Not Too Proud To Play

Six reasons why I love to play Webkinz too

It all started with Peanut the Elephant and Orange the Cat. They entered our house just like any plush toy. The kids (3 and 5 year old nephews) and I sat together to begin the Webkinz registration process… pet’s name, user name, password etc.

Then the fun began.

Rooms were created, pets were fed and clothed and I left the kids to play the games in the afternoon during their allotted computer time.

A while later I began watching over their shoulders while they played, realizing I could help them earn points if I played a little too. Fast-forward eighteen months and meet Pablo the Chinchilla. He is my very own Webkinz plush toy. A birthday gift from the boys and purchased with money they’d earned themselves. You should gave seen their faces when I opened it!

I’ve been served a fair dose of harassment from my sister for playing the Webkinz games,
 which is understandable, my kids are grown and I play even when the boys are not visiting.

I replied with a pretty convincing case for adults who play Webkinz games and it must have worked, because she’s playing a little as well.

Why I Play WebKinz and Other Grown-Ups Can Too

1. Sharing a common interest with the kids in your life improves communication.

2. Because I’m involved I can encourage them to earn eStore points and virtual pets for good deeds like chores, homework and acts of kindness.

3. I can watch over their online behavior.

4. The non-violent, easy to play games are fun at the end of the day. I’m terrible at the complicated grown up video games… they stress me out!

5. Decorating a virtual room is much cheaper than redecorating my living room.

6. It’s fun and I get a huge hug from two boys I love very, very much!
 I think I’d get the hug anyway, but you never know!

Take the Adults & Webkinz Poll for the opportunity to earn Kinzcash!

Kit Bennett, the Editorial Director for Ganz Parent Club is a celebration and play expert who believes that sprinkles, pom-poms, pipe cleaners and wiggle eyes make the world a brighter place. She’s the founder of and KidsParties 1-2-3 where she makes planning a party for kids as easy as 1,2,3! Her inspiration comes from her four children, two granddaughters and several nieces and nephews whom she loves BIG, BIG, BIG! Facebook | Twitter

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