When logged in to GanzWorld, you’ll now earn GanzWorld Moneyz as you play, read, and enjoy Webkinz Newz and, for parents, Ganz Parent Club!
It’s easy to earn Moneyz and get prizes on GanzWorld. It all comes down to these three simple steps:
1. Play on GanzWorld!
You must be a member of GanzWorld to earn Moneyz. You will automatically receive 1500 Moneyz for signing up for GanzWorld if you aren’t already a member! Logged-in GanzWorld members can earn Moneyz by:
- Reading articles on any GanzWorld site.
- Entering contests on GanzWorld.
- Playing Peek A Newz and Treasure Hunts on GanzWorld.
- Participating in Floaty-Clicky’s and Click-to-Wins on GanzWorld.
- Participating in Quizzes, Polls, and Surveys on Webkinz Newz and Ganz Parent Club!
2. Earn Moneyz!
You will earn Moneyz when you do any of the activities listed above. Your current Moneyz balance will always appear in the top right hand corner of your browser window whenever you’re logged into GanzWorld!
GanzWorld Members can earn 500 Moneyz every 24 hours! After reaching the 24 hour limit, you’ll be able to keep playing and sending prizes back to Webkinz, but you won’t earn Moneyz. After 24 hours is up you’ll be able to earn another 500 Moneyz!
3. Get Awesome Prizes!
If you’re logged in to GanzWorld Rewards you can see the prizes that are available by clicking “Spend Your Moneyz!” on the left side of your screen!
There are great prizes to be won on GanzWorld which are updated monthly!
Happy Playing!